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Compare our Online Store Solutions

Choose the online store solution that’s right for you


Say Yes to More Business

With multiple options, you can find the perfect online store solution for your business and your employees.

With SpecWorks, you can offer retail-like online stores to every type of business and program including Pop-up Stores, Company Stores, and Redemption Stores. Not sure which online store solution is right for you? Our team is ready to help identify the best fit for your needs so you can say yes to more business and more sales.


Pop-up and Redemption Stores

Perfect for your simple, short-term programs and online store needs

With Pop-up and Redemption Stores, speed is the name of the game. Create a fully-branded online store in just a few minutes – no IT team or technical skills needed. These stores are easy for anyone to create and manage, so you can quickly launch limited-time-only or year-round stores for any business in record time. Common use cases include:

  • Holiday and Events

  • Fundraisers

  • Spirit Wear

  • Team Uniforms and Equipment

  • Corporate Gifts

Company Stores

Perfect for your more complex, long-term programs and online store needs

With Company Stores powered by SpecWorks, configurability and control is the name of the game. Create highly customized stores for even the most complex programs with features such as Log-Ins, Permissions, Order Approvals, SSO, and more. These stores can be configured to meet your employees exact needs, so you can provide fully-branded experiences.

Common use cases include:


  • Company Swag

  • Employee Uniforms and Supplies

  • Employee Recognition and Incentives

  • Retail

  • Spirit Wear


Grow with a team dedicated to your success

Guided Onboarding
Feel confident using SpecWorks with our meet-you-where-you-are onboarding program – at no extra cost.
Award-Winning Support
We’re by your side every step of the way, with ongoing training and support for the lifetime of your business.
Creative Services
When business gets busy, our Creative Services team is on standby to build stunning stores so you don’t have to.
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